Advanced Kitting Overview (v6.00.13)

Modified on Wed, 7 Aug, 2024 at 1:26 PM




Advanced Kitting Overview



Purpose of this document


The Advance Kitting process provides the user with the tools necessary to setup, manage and build kits. Kitting allows the grouping and packaging of items together to properly track inventory and costs associated with the components of the kit. Building kit items also facilitates the ability to expedite agency orders by distributing the pre-assembled kits. When creating the kit bill of materials, Ceres allows for the inclusion of substitute items which can be used if sufficient quantities of a primary item are not found. Common uses for kits within the food bank include USDA or CSFP boxes, and some child nutrition programs such as a “Backpack” program.


Ceres Object release 6.00.00 and 6.00.13 is required for the functionality described in this document. 





Kit Costing Information


One major component of Advanced Kitting is the ability to track costs associated with the resulting finished goods Kits more specifically. Instead of a blended cost or assigned cost, Advanced Kitting allows you to maintain the cost changes associated with various types of substitutions. This is useful if you have kit substitutes that consist of donated product, government commodities and purchased items that may be used in the same finished good. The specific cost is tracked for each created Lot. 

Setting up Kitting


There are several steps to setting up kits that must be accomplished before you can start building kits with Ceres.

  1. Create all the bulk component items that will go into the kit if they do not already exist. Setup of items is beyond the scope of this document. Refer to documentation on setting up items in inventory for more help. Bulk items are usually palletized full cases of product that must be opened so that the individual units within the case can be distributed amongst the kits.
  2. Create the unit component items that will be tied to the kit bill of materials (BOM). You can set up specific items whereby you would create one component item for each bulk component item from Step 1. Alternatively, you may create generic type components that require special setup to pull from multiple bulk items from Step 1. An example of a generic component item is a juice box item that could be replenished from several bulk items of different flavors. 
  3. Create the Kit Finished Good Item Card. Kit Finished Good Items are setup very similar to regular items with a few small exceptions that will be documented later in this document. The finished good items are the products that are distributed to the Agencies.
  4. Create a Kit Bill of Materials (Kit BOM) detailing the components contained in the kit and the quantity of each component in the kit.
  5. Associate the Kit BOM with the Kit Item. 
  6. Set up Parameters to control the advance kitting process (security, etc.)

The creation of items involved with kits is all completed on the item card.


Items can be accessed by selecting “Items” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “Items” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “Items” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “Items” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.



Detailed documentation can be found in Item Setup that will more clearly define all the fields associated with setup of items. In this document we will concentrate only on the fields that are important to Advanced Kitting.


Bulk Component Items


Normally, bulk component items are palletized full case products that will be opened and broken down into component units for inclusion in the kits. It is not required that the bulk components Items are palletized in that Advanced Kitting supports both palletized and non-palletized items.  Fields on the Item Card that are associated with bulk component items are follows:

Base Unit of Measure:  This is normally set to a case or box.


Gross Weight: This should reflect the total weight of the case or box.


Pallet No. Required:  This is not required to be toggled on, but it is important to note that Bulk items in Advanced Kitting may be palletized.


FB Kit: This field must be toggled off for Bulk Component items.


FB Kit Comp. Generic:  This field must be toggled off for Bulk Component items.


FB Component Kit Item:  This field must be toggled off for Bulk Component items.




Unit Component Items


Normally unit component items are generic description products that, once broken down from the bulk component items, will be used to track component units for inclusion in the kits. The reason why these items are considered generic is because they are placeholders within the bill of materials and may not be linked to a single item.  For example, a unit component item might be called “Protein Source”, and this generic item might then be linked to multiple protein source bulk items such as “Tuna Fish”, “Beans”, “Sandwich Meat” or any other source of protein. 


Each time a bulk item is broken to create the component, the weight, cost, and value of the bulk item is divided by the quantity per case to calculate these values for the Unit Component Items. These values are stored on each lot so that they can accurately be used throughout the advanced kitting process. This is what allows Ceres to use generic items as the specifics are all tracked on a lot basis each time the break bulk operation occurs. Unit component items must not be palletized. Fields on the Item Card that are associated with unit component items are follows:

Base Unit of Measure:  This is normally set to each or some other singular type of unit of measure.


Gross Weight:  This field can be left at zero, since the actual weight will depend on the weight and the quantity in the case of the bulk component used for a particular kit. For example, if the weight of the bulk component item used weight 12 LBs and there are 48 units in the case, the weight of the unit would be 0.25 LBs (48 / 12 = 0.25).


Pallet No. Required:  This field must be toggled off. Generic components can’t be palletized.


FB Kit: This field must be toggled off.


FB Kit Comp. Generic:  This field should only be toggled on if the component item is a generic item that can be replenished from multiple bulk items.


FB Component Item:  This field must be toggled on. This is what allows the item to be used in KIT Bill-of-materials.


Break Bulk Location Code:  This field is required and is used to designate the specific location that will be used for the storage of the Unit Item Components until they are assembled into finished kits.


Break Bulk Bin Code:  This field is required and is used to designate the specific bin code within the location that will be used for the storage of the Unit Item Components until they are assembled into finished kits.





Associating Bulk Item Components with Unit Component Items


Once the unit component items and the bulk components have been defined, you must set up the relationship to assign the bulk components to the unit component items.. This is done to tell Ceres what bulk items may be used to satisfy the requirements for this unit component item. You may assign as many bulk components as needed for any generic component item. In Ceres, a parameter is set to control how it will decide which bulk components to use when performing the break bulk function. This will be discussed in the parameter setup section below. If the component item is not generic, then typically only one bulk item will be specified.

To define the bulk item components, from the Item Card, click à Related à  Kitting à  Kitting Item Bulk Components.



The Kitting Bulk Item Components page will be displayed. On this page you will record the bulk components acceptable for the generic   component item selected. In this example we show two acceptable bulk items.


For each  bulk item you must complete several fields as described here:


Bulk Component Item:  Enter the item number of the bulk component item to be used.


Bulk Component Description:  This field will automatically be populated with description from the bulk item selected. It is non-editable.


Bulk Component UOM:  The Base Unit of Measure will default from the Bulk Component and must match the bulk item’s base unit of measure.


Qty. per Bulk UOM:  This field is used to define how many units are contained in the bulk component item and will be defaulted from the Bulk Component Item’s Eaches per Base UOM . This allows for the calculations to determine the weight, cost and value of the unit component from the bulk items weight cost and value.


Bulk Component Inventory:  This field  will display the available inventory for the bulk item selected. It is non-editable. 


Priority – This field can be used to assign the order in which bulk items are considered when performing the break bulk process. It should be noted that the actual order is determined by a parameter setting as explained below. If the parameter is et to “Priority” this field is used to determine the order.

Finished Goods Items Kits


This is the finished good kit that will be distributed to the agencies. Once the Kit BOM has been created it will be associated with these items. It is not required that these items are palletized, but pallets are allowed on these items.  Fields on the Item Card that are associated with finished goods items are follows:

Base Unit of Measure:   This is normally set to each or some other singular type of unit of measure.


Gross Weight:  This field can be left at zero, since the actual weight will depend on the weight and the quantity of all the components consumed in the assembly of the finished kit item.


Pallet No. Required:  This field is normally toggled on but is not required on the finished good kit item.


Kit BOM No.:  This field is used to specify the current bill-of-materials to be used when assembling this finished good kit.


Kit Disassembly BOM No.:  This field is used to specify the current bill-of-materials to be used when breaking a finished good back into its components. It is normally the same as the Kit BOM No. specified above.


FB Kit:  This field must be toggled on. This is the field that designates that item is a finished good item.


FB Component Item:  This field must be toggled off. 




Kit Bill of Materials (BOM)


Once you have created the component items and kit item in the inventory system you can continue with the creation of the Kit Bill of Materials (Kit BOMS).


Kit BOMs can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “Kit BOMs” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “Kit BOM List” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “Kit BOMs” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.




To enter a new record, click New. To edit an existing record, click Manage à Edit. The Kit BOM card will be displayed. The Card has two FastTabs, General, and Kit BOM Lines.


General FastTab



No.: This is the main identifier for the Kit BOM, which can be entered as any combination of text and numbers. Ceres can be set up to automatically number each Kit BOM Card for you, or you can enter the number manually. While the Kit BOM can be any number, many food banks will associate the Kit BOM number with the Kit Item Card.  Kit BOM “CI SR BOX 230” will be used on Kit Item “CI SR BOX 230”. If you intend to keep old kit BOMs you might consider a No. that incorporates the item number and a time period. (For Example: CI SR BOX-NOV-14) This can be useful to later see what components were used in previous builds.

Description: Here you can enter a descriptive title of the Kit-BOM. If you intend to keep old bill-of-material Kit BOMS it might be helpful to enter a time period as part of title (For example: CI SR BOX NOV 14).

Unit of Measure Code: This unit of measure should match the base unit of measure of the kit item.

Status: There are four statuses to choose from. You will only be able to build items with a Kit BOM status of “Certified”. The other statuses are available to show various stages of the KIT BOM. The available statuses are:

New - Indicates a new or planned Kit BOM. This status usually indicates the Kit BOM has never been built before. Modifications to the Kit BOM are allowed under this status.

Under Development - Indicates a Kit BOM that has been used in builds before, however is now undergoing some modifications. If you wish to make changes to a Kit BOM that has a status of Certified, you must change it to this status “Under Development” before making the changes.

Certified - This status indicates that Kit BOM is complete and ready to be used in builds. Changes to the Kit BOM are not allowed under this status.

Closed - This status indicates that the Kit BOM is no longer in use but is being retained for historical purposes. No changes to the Kit BOM are allowed under this status. Kit BOM with a status of “Closed” can be reopened by changing the status to “Under Development” or “Certified.”

Note: Ceres does not prevent the changing of status of a Kit BOM in any way at any time. The different statuses allow users to accurately identify the correct status of a Kit BOM and prevent builds of kits that are not yet ready for building and the accidental changes of Kit BOMs.

Search Name: Here you can enter a search name. You can use the Search Name field to search for a Kit BOM when you cannot remember the Kit BOM number “CI BOX NOVEMBER 2014,” for example. When you enter something in the Description field and press Tab, Ceres automatically copies the contents to the Search Name field. The contents of the Search Name field do not need to be the same as those of the Description field. 

Note: If the search name was inserted automatically by Ceres, it will be changed each time you change the Description field. If you inserted the search name manually, it will not be changed automatically when the Description field is changed.

Last Date Modified: This field is updated by Ceres and will reflect the date the kit was last changed.

Process Substitutions By: This field is disabled. Advanced Kitting will not use this field.


Kit BOM Lines FastTab



Type: Enter the type of line from the list. You may choose from “Blank” or Item. The line types of resource and setup resource are not used in Ceres currently. 

Blank – You can enter a comment line on the Kit BOM using the Description field.

Item – This is the most common line type. Use this type to enter the component lines on the Kit BOM.

Item No.: Here you can enter the item number of the component. Use the assist button to access the drop-down list of items.

Description: When entering an item line, this field will default to the description of the item entered. You can alter the description if desired.

Quantity Per: Here you can enter the quantity of this item that is needed to build one of the kits. The quantity is based on the base unit of measure of the component item. In our example above, we will include one (1) of each of the components in the kit.

Unit of Measure Code: The unit of measure will default from the item card once you have entered the component item no.

Note: When you have completed entering the components on the Kit BOM, it is important to set the status to “Certified” before you will be able to proceed with the building of kits in Ceres.



Associating the Kit BOM with the Kit Finished Good Item


You must now associate the kit item with the Kit BOM.


Items can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “Items” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “Items” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “Items” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.


Navigate to the Kit Item. Select the Kitting (Ceres) FastTab and fill in the “Kit BOM No” field and toggle on the “FB Kit Item” field. The “Kit Disassembly BOM No.” field will default to the same as the “Kit BOM No.” field. You may use the drop-down list to select from a list of available Kit BOMs.





Advanced Kitting Setup Parameters


There are several parameters within Ceres to control the process of advanced kitting. In this section we will describe those parameters and the possible settings of each.


Inventory Setup


Inventory Setup can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “Inventory Setup” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “Inventory Setup” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “Inventory Setup” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.





Open the Kitting FastTab and update the fields.




Kit BOM Nos:   Select the No Series that will be used for assigned number to your Kit BOMs. Numbers can be assigned automatically or manually. 


Kit Reclass. Journal Template:  Select the Reclass (Transfer) Journal Template that will be used during the kitting process.


Kit Item Journal Template:   Select the Item Journal Template that will be used to break down the bulk item components into the unit item components.


Enable Advanced Kitting: This field must be toggled on to enable advanced kitting.

Component Bulk Break Method:  This field defines the method Ceres will use to select the bulk item components to use during the break bulk operation which suggest cases of products to open to stock the unit item components to be used in the kits. In all instances, Ceres will use multiple bulk component items to satisfy the requirements to successfully build the kits required. The methods are shown here and further explained.



FEFO – First expired first out. This method will select the bulk components to use based on the expiration dates of the lots for each of the bulk items to choose from. With this method it is possible for Ceres to pick from multiple items as it searches all the lots associated will all the bulk items specified to use the inventory that is expiring first.


Priority – This method will utilize the priority code field specified on the bulk items components setup for the generic component item. If multiple items have the same priority, it will select based on the component item number next.


Greatest Quantity – This method will select the bulk item with the most inventories on hand first then proceed to item with less and less inventory.


Least Quantity – This method is the direct opposite of Greatest Quantity and will try and use up the bulk items with less on hand before proceeding to items with more available inventory.


Adv Kitting Ref Nos: - Select the No. Series that will be used when processing the advanced kitting transactions.


BOM Journal Template and Batches


You must then set up the BOM Journal Template and batches to be used for kitting.


BOM Journal Templates can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “BOM Journal Templates” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “BOM Journal Templates” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “BOM Journal Templates” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.




Click on the Template you wish to use or create one. Then click Related à Templates à Batches.




This will open the Batch Page. Create a Batch and complete the fields as required.




Name:  Enter the name of the batch. Multiple batches may be set up for the BOM Journal Template. If you setup multiple batches that may be used simultaneously, it is important that different numbering series and batches be setup for each BOM template to avoid errors. The following fields should be unique for each BOM Journal Batch.


No. Series

Kit Reclass. Journal Batch

Kit Item Journal Batch

Kit Comp Item Jnl. Batch


Description:  Enter a description of what the batch will be used to process. For example, you may enter “School Backpacks”, or “Holiday Boxes”, or you may leave a more generic batch name if desired.


No. Series:  Enter the numbering series to be used to assign transaction journal numbers for kits created using this batch.


Posting No. Series:  Enter a separate numbering series to be used for posted transactions from this batch. If left blank, transactions will be posted with the same number from the No. Series field.


Reason Code:   Enter a default reason code to be entered for transactions created in this batch. All transactions generated from this batch will default to this reason code. Reason codes provide a convenient method of identifying transactions related to a specific task or function.


Kit Item Journal Template: Enter a valid Item Journal Template for use with this batch. All item journal transactions related to advanced kitting will use this Template.


Kit Item Journal Batch:  Enter a valid Batch related to the Kit Item Journal Template specified above. This Batch will be used to post item journal transactions related to reversal transactions in advanced kitting if required.


Kit Item Reclass Journal Batch:  Enter a valid Batch related to the Kit Item Journal Template specified above. This batch will be used to post item reclassification transactions in advanced kitting if required.


Kit Comp Item Journal Batch:  Enter a valid Batch related to the Kit Item Journal Template specified above. This batch will be used to post component and bulk item journal transactions when the break bulk function is used to convert full cases into component items.


Print Retrieve Comp Pallet Tag:  Check this box to specify that pallet tags should be generated when the completed kits pallets are created. If left unchecked, no pallet tags will be created for the finished kit pallets created.


Security for Advanced Kitting


Ceres provides the ability to determine which users are allowed to use the advanced kitting functions. This is accomplished by checking the appropriate box on the user setup card for all authorized users.


User Setup can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “User Setup” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “User Setup” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “User Setup” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.




On the User Setup Page, check the box “Allow Advanced Kitting” for all authorized users.



General Posting Setup


To use the disassemble kit options you will need to ensure that you have specified the Cost of Disassembly Account in the General Posting Setup.


Gen. Posting Setup can be accessed by selecting “Gen. Posting Setup” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “Gen. Posting Setup” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “Gen. Posting Setup” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “Gen. Posting Setup” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page




Locate the correct Gen. Bus. Posting Group and Gen. Prod. Posting Group line you want to update. Highlight the line and click on Edit.



The page will open and on the inventory tab you can specify the correct G/L account for the Cost of Disassembly.


Note: Although you are required to specify this account, at this time, no cost will be posted to this account.



Building Kits in Ceres


  1. Building kits in Ceres is accomplished through the BOM Journal. The BOM Journal handles the receipt of finished kits into inventory and the posting of the consumption of components relieved from inventory. BOM Journals can be accessed by selecting “BOM Journal” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “BOM Journal” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “BOM Journal” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “BOM Journals” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.



  1. This will open the BOM Journal page.



  1. Begin by filling in the “Posting Date” and then enter the Kit Item to be built in the “Item No.” field. Set the “Entry Type” to Assembly. This should be the default entry. Fill in the Location and Bin where the Kit Finished Good Items will be stored when completed and enter the quantity of kits being assembled.



  1. Use the “Break Bulk Components” function to have Ceres determine whether there are enough components to assemble the kits. If there are not enough unit components to assemble the kits, Ceres will calculate the required bulk component breaks to satisfy the unit component inventory requirements. Select Actions à Functions à Break Bulk Components.



  1. After Ceres has made the necessary component breaks, a confimation message is displayed advising the user to review the Item Journal created. Ceres does not automatically post the journal. It must be reviewed and posted manually.



If the component inventory is sufficent to cover the build, the message will indicate that no bulk breaks are required.



  1. If there is an insufficient quantity of bulk item components or unit items components to create the kits a message will display indicating as such. To proceed additional component quantities will need to be received or Kit BOM components will need to be updated with bulk item components or unit item components with sufficient quantity. 



  1. If for any reason at this point you wish to stop the assembly operation, you may abort the process and cancel the break bulk components function. This will delete the item journal for bulk component breaks and return the BOM Journal to a status of “Not Started”. To abort to process, select Actions à Functions à Abort Break Bulk Components.




  1. If you continue with the kitting process, the next step is to review the item journal and post the break bulk components. To view the journal, select Related à View à Item Journal.



  1. Select the Journal Template being used for advanced kitting functions. This is setup in the Inventory Setup section of  the Advanced Kitting Setup Parameters found in this document. For our example we have setup a KITITEM – Kitting Item Journal.



  1. Next select the batch you assigned in the parameter section for Break Bulk Components by using the ellipsis in the Batch Name field. We have used a batch called KITCOMP.



  1. The item journal will be dsiplayed showing the bulk item components as negative adjustments and the unit item components as positive adjustments. If Ceres has enough unit components to complete the assembly without breaking additional bulk products this journal will be empty.



  1. A convenient report is available provide the warehouse with the necessary documents to retreive the bulk components required for assembly. To access this report select Actions à Print à Break Bulk Movement. Worksheet.



  1. The request form should fill in with the appropriate Journal Template and Batch.



  1. Print the report.  Below is an example of the worksheet.



  1. Once the components have been retrieved in the warehouse and operations has confirmed the break bulk components are available, you can post the item journal making the necessary deductions from bullk components and additions to the unit component inventory. You may use either “Post” or “Post and Print” if you require a printed document of the transaction.


  1. Ceres will acknowledge the successful posting of the journal.



  1. Close the item journal and you will be returned to the BOM Journal.
  2. At this point you may no longer “abort break bulk components” because transactions have posted moving the inventory from bulk to units. However Ceres does provide the ability to reverse the break bulk process. This is done from the BOM Journal by selecting Actions à Functions à Reverse Break Bulk Components. This process will attempt to reverse the Item Journal just posted to move the inventory back from units into bulk.

Note: This function is only needed if you decide to cancel the assembly of the kits for any reason. 



  1. If you decide to continue with the kit assembly, the next step is to retrieve the components required for the kit. Prior to completing the next step, it is important a few fields are completed on the BOM Journal line. You must designate a bin code and a tier and height for any pallets that are created. The bin code can be any valid bin in the Location selected. You will be able to change it if needed after the next step. For the tier and height, you need to specify the number of kits on one pallet layer in the tier number and the number of layers in the height. In our example, our pallet has 10 kits on a layer, and we stack the pallet 1 layer high.


  1. Once you have specified the bin, tier, and height, the next step is to retrieve the components. To retrieve the unit item components, select Actions à Functions à Retrieve Components.



  1. Ceres will respond by changing the status of the BOM Journal Line to “Components Retrieved” as shown below.



  1. Ceres will explode the BOM Journal to as many lines as necessary to accommodate the mix of component items consumed in the kit assembly while still respecting our pallet limits. Ceres will create lines for each unique combination of FBC Product Source and FBC Product Category code in proportion to the weight of the components consumed in the kits. For example, if 50% of the product consumed was LOCAL / DONATED, then 50% of the kits created will have LOCAL / DONATED Codes. 


In our example below, the lines were not broken out into groups since all the components were purchased and are associated with a single FBC Product Source Code and a single FBC Product Category Code. We did get one line for each pallet created.




  1. The Unit Item Components and extended quantity that will be consumed to create the Kit Finished Good Items, can be viewed by clicking Related à Line à Kit Lines.



  1. The Kit BOM Journal Lines Page displays the number of units that will be consumed to create the Kits.



  1. Finally, we are ready to post the BOM Journal which will make all the ncessary withdrawals from unit components inventory and receive our finished kits into inventory. Prior to posting, you may change the Bin where the Pallets will be stored in the warehouse. To post click  “Post” or “Post and Print”



  1. Ceres will ask you to confirm the posting selection. Select “Yes” and Ceres will post the journal and return the following message if the journal is successfully posted.





Disassembly of Kits


Disassemble Restrictions


  • The ability to disassemble kits in warehouse locations other than where the kits were originally assembled providing all the kits are in the same location and bin when disassembly is started.
  • Should kit component items been revalued to a new cost, this enhancement accurately returns kit components back into inventory at their newly established cost from the revaluation.
  • This enhancement prevents the disassembly of previously distributed kits.

Note: Prior to Ceres 6.00.13, it was possible to modify the Kit Disassembly journal once the lines were suggested. With Ceres 6.00.13 it is no longer possible to update the Quantity on the Kit Disassembly Journal line or delete Kit Disassembly Journal lines.

Distributed Kits

There are some restrictions on the disassembly of kits that should be noted. If some of the kit has been distributed to agencies, it is no longer possible to disassemble the remaining kits automatically with this process. If you need to disassemble the remaining kits, it will be necessary to record the inventory quantity changes to the finished kit and the component items manually using the positive and negative adjustments on an item journal.

Kit component item revaluation

If any of the components returned to inventory have been revalued through the revaluation journal, the returned components will be returned using the current lot revalued cost and NOT the cost used when building original kit. This will result in either an overall cost increase or decrease in inventory value depending on whether the cost of the components were revalued higher or lower.

Kits in Multiple Locations/Bins

If all kits are still in inventory but have been moved to different locations or bins, it is necessary to move all of the kits into a single location and bin prior to attempting disassembly. Attempting to disassemble kits that have reside in multiple locations and/or bins will result in this message.



To continue disassembling the kits, you must first move all kits from this batch into a single location and bin for disassembly.


Note: The component inventory returned to inventory will be placed in the same bin where the disassembled kits were located at the time of disassembly. They will NOT be returned to their original location and bin. After disassembly, you may manually move the component items to any location or bin as needed via an item reclass journal or movement worksheet.



Disassembly Procedure


  1. Once kits are built in Ceres, it may still be possible to disassemble the kits back into component inventory. This function is called “FB Kit Disassembly” and can be accessed from the same BOM Journal used to build the kits originally. Ceres will allow the disassembly process to return the components back to unit component inventory or completely to the bulk items they were taken from. This can be useful if for some reason the wrong bulk items were used in the creation of the kits. To begin the disassembly function, access the BOM Journal Page. 


  1. BOM Journals can be accessed by selecting “BOM Journal” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “BOM Journal” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “BOM Journal” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “BOM Journal” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.



  1. From the BOM Journal select Actions à Functions à Suggest FB Kit Disassembly.



  1. This will open the Suggest FB Kit Disassembly Page where you can filter to isolate the kits you wish to disassemble. For our example, we’ve selected Item FA-KIT-APR-B and a posting date of 3/18/2020. You must also specify the Document No. from the original build. 



  1. On the Options FastTab, select whether the disassembly will  return inventory to the Each  (UOM) “Unit Components” or Bulk (UOM) “Bulk Components”.



  1. Click OK to continue. Ceres will return the following message.



  1. Ceres will build the BOM Journal Disassembly and Kit BOM Journal Lines as shown below.



  1. To post click “Post” or “Post and Print”.


  1. Ceres will ask you to confirm the posting selection. Select “Yes” and Ceres will post the journal and return the following message if the journal is successfully posted.



  1. With Ceres 6.00.13 it is no longer possible to update the Quantity or delete Kit Disassembly Journal lines.


Attempting to change the Quantity on a Kit Disassembly Journal line results in the following error:



Attempting to delete a Kit Disassembly Journal line results in the following error:




To cancel a Kit Disassembly, use the Delete Sugg. FB Kit Disassembly action to remove the Kit Disassembly lines.


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