User Setup (v6.0)

Modified on Mon, 4 Dec, 2023 at 5:43 PM




User Setup


Purpose of this document


Before users can access and use Ceres, they need to be set up in multiple areas in Ceres. Some setup is mandatory whereas other setup is optional based on the functionality each user will utilize. The setup that is covered in this document includes Users, User Personalization, User Setup, Warehouse Employees, and ADCS Users. User Security rights and permissions are referenced here, however the details regarding Security permissions are out of scope for this procedure. If you need detailed coaching on Security, it is recommended that you reach out to your Ceres VAR for assistance.


Ceres Object release 6.00.00 is required for the functionality described in this document.






Ceres utilizes Windows Logins when accessing the database, thus all users must first have a Windows User Name before they can be set up within Ceres. Each user’s Windows User Name is linked to the Ceres User name via the User Card. The User Card is also where Security rights/ permissions are assigned which define what functionality each user can access.


  1. Users can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “Users” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “Users” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “Users” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.



  1. To set up a new user, select New.


  1. Update the fields on the User Card as follows.


General FastTab



User Name: Input the user’s name using the format domain\username.


Full Name: Enter the full name of the user.


License Type: From the drop-down select from the options:

Full User - Full User licenses provide users full read and full write capabilities to all the licensed solution functionality through all modes of access, including the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client, the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client, or any other mode of access including web services. Full User licenses are for users requiring unlimited read and write access. If the number of users needing simultaneous access to the solution does not exceed the number of Full User licenses you have acquired, these users are properly licensed for full read and write access to the complete solution functionality.

Note: This is the recommended selection based on how users are currently licensed for food banks. Limited Users are a consideration when purchasing new users but should be discussed in advance with your NAV/Ceres VAR before purchasing. 

Limited User - Limited User licenses provide users full read, but limited write, capabilities to all the licensed solution functionality through all modes of access including the Windows client. The Limited User license is designed to give organizations a lower-cost alternative for extending ERP to users who only require limited access to the Ceres application:

      • Read access to data contained in the solution through any client accessing the application, including but not limited to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client, the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client, and web services.
      • Write access to a maximum of three application tables in the object range 0 - 99,999,999 other than the General Ledger Entry table, through any client accessing the application. Access to the General Ledger Entry Table requires a Full User license.

Device Only User - Currently this option is not supported in Ceres.

Windows Group - Use this license type to create a Microsoft Dynamics NAV user based on a Windows group. All members of the group inherit permissions for the user. However, you must also add each member of the group in Microsoft Dynamics NAV as a user without explicit permissions. Windows Group licensing is a form of license multiplexing. Multiplexing does not reduce the number of user licenses required to access a Microsoft Dynamics NAV solution.


External User - This license type is specific to individual users of Ceres\Microsoft Dynamics NAV and therefore currently is not supported. 

State: For active users, select Enable from the drop-down. This specifies that the user’s login is enabled. To suspend access for a user, select Disabled.


Expiry Date: Specifies a date past which the user will no longer be authorized to log on to the Ceres Role Tailored client.


Windows Authentication FastTab



Windows User Name: Specify the name of a valid Active Directory user (i.e., Windows User Name), using the format domain\username.


Access Control Service Authentication FastTab



ACS Access Status: Indicates the user’s status for ACS authentication. When you start creating a user, the status is “Disabled”. After you create a user, the status changes to Pending. After the user logs on successfully, the status changes to Enabled.


Business Central Password Authentication FastTab




Password: Specifies an initial password for the user.


User must change password at next login: Toggle on this field to indicate that the user will be prompted to change the password at next login.


Note: This authentication method requires services to be configured for “UserName” credential type.




User Group Memberships FastTab


In Ceres you can assign users to user groups instead of specifying individual permission sets. Using this functionality you can define user groups and the associated permissions sets to each user group. Assigning the user to one more user group will establish the user’s security permissions by combining the permissions across all permissions related to the groups they belong to. Using this method can simplify maintaining permissions. For more detail on Security permissions, talk to your Ceres VAR. Update the fields as follows.



Code: From the drop-down, select the User Group the user belongs to. You may add all applicable groups for the user.


Name: Automatically fills in with the name of the User Group assigned based on the Code that is selected in the Code field.


Company Name: Automatically fills in with the company name you are currently logged into. If the user group’s permissions apply to all companies for this user, you may delete the company name. If the user group permissions apply to only a single company, specify the company it applies to.


User Permission Sets FastTab



User Permission Sets are where you define what functionality each user has access to within Ceres. This is referenced above as Security rights/ permissions. Each user must be assigned at least one Permissions Set (ALL-CERES or SUPER) to access Ceres.


Note: SUPER gives the new User permissions to all Ceres tables to edit, insert, delete etc. This should only be used in limited circumstances. For more detail on Security permissions, talk to your Ceres VAR. Update the fields as follows.


Permission Set: From the drop-down, select the Role ID that you want to assign to each user. The Role SUPER gives users full access to all functionality within Ceres and supersedes all other permissions. Therefore, you will want to be selective as to which users are assigned the SUPER Role. Further all users that are not assigned the SUPER Role must be assigned the ALL-CERES Role for base access to Ceres.


Description: Automatically fills in with the name of the Role is assigned based on the Role ID that is selected in the Permission Set field.


Company: Select which company you want to assign each Permission Set to. Generally, this field is only filled in if multiple companies are set up within the database and you only want this user to have access to a specific company. Leaving this field blank means that the user has access to all companies within the database.


  1. To modify an existing user, select Manage/Edit.


User Settings


Ceres uses Pages as the main way to display and organize data.

The Role Center is the main page, and it displays when Ceres opens. The Role Center Page is a home page that helps users focus on their most important daily activities. It gives an overview of the information relevant to a user’s tasks on one page.


Note: The Profile assigned here overlaps with User Permissions. Just because someone can see a menu item on the page does not grant them access. Conversely, if you can only find a menu item by searching, it does not mean you can’t access it.


In Ceres, each profile is linked to a Role Center Page. The User Settings window is used to link a Profile ID (Ceres look & feel) to the User that was established above. When the users log in, Ceres checks the user’s credentials, finds the settings assigned, and displays the corresponding Role Center. Users who are not assigned a profile are assigned the Default Profile. The Default Profile is the profile with Default Role Center field set to yes.


  1. User Settings can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “User Settings” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “User Settings” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “User Settings” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.



  1. To setup new user, select New and update the fields as follows:



User ID: Click on the ellipsis button and select the user.


Role: From the drop-down menu, select the Role that best defines the role and tasks the user will perform within Ceres. The three most used Roles in Ceres are: Shipping & Receiving Order by Order, Accounting Manager and Agency Relations Manager.


Language ID: Select 1033- English from the drop-down menu.


Region: From the drop-down menu, select the Region that you want this Profile to apply to for this user.


Time Zone: From the drop-down menu, select the Time Zone that you want this Profile to apply to for this user.


Company: From the drop-down menu, select the Company that you want this Profile to apply to for this user. This way a different Profile can be assigned to different companies for each user. If left blank, then this Profile will apply to all Companies within the database for this user.


  1. To modify an existing user, select Edit.


  1. Once a different Profile has been assigned, have the user log out of Ceres and log back to display the new Role Center linked to the Profile.

User Setup Table


Once a user has been setup in Ceres, you can further restrict specific functions they can perform in User Setup. For example, this allows you to grant access full access to a user to enter positive and negative adjustments in the Item Journal yet restrict them from utilizing the kitting functionality in the BOM Journal. You can also expand or restrict the allowable posting date ranges in the User Setup by user to supplement the posting date range default in General Ledger Setup.


  1. User Setup can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “User Setup” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “User Setup” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “User Setup” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.



  1. To set up a new user, select New.


  1. In the User ID field, select the user’s login.


  1. In each of the corresponding fields, indicate which tasks or functionality the users should be able to perform or have access to. A description of the fields follows.



Allow Posting From/To: Input From and To dates that a user is allowed to post transactions to. Dates in these fields supersede the default Allowable Posting From and To Date fields in the General Ledger Setup. If the fields here are blank, as shown, then the defaults from the General Ledger setup apply.


Allow Deferral Posting From/To: Input From and To dates that a user is allowed to post deferral transactions to. Dates in these fields supersede the default Allowable Posting From and To Date fields in the General Ledger Setup. If the fields here are blank, as shown, then the defaults from the General Ledger setup apply.


Register Time: Place a check mark in this field to register the amount of time that a user spends while logged into Ceres. The amount of time spent in Ceres can be viewed from the Time Registers.


Responsible Person: If used, enter the code for the user.


Time Sheet Admin.: Not supported in Ceres.


Over Credit Limit Warning: Place a check mark in this field to designate that this user is authorized to override the credit limit warning on an Agency Order when an Agency has exceeded their credit limit. If credit limits are used, then at least one user should be set up in Ceres to override the Over Credit Limit field.


Modify Credit Limit: Place a check mark in this field to designate that this user is authorized to modify the Credit Limit field on the Agency Card. If credit limits are used, then at least one user should be setup in Ceres to override the Credit Limit field.


Override Activity Status: Place a check mark in this field to designate that this user is authorized to override the UNC Activity Status field on the Agency Card. At least one user should be set up in Ceres to override the Activity Status field. Any user with this right can approve an Agency Order to proceed for an Agency with a status like Suspended.


View Web Sync: Place a check mark in this field to designate that this user is authorized to view the Agency Express Web Queue to view pending and processed transactions to/from the web site.


Default Item Display Sequence: Options of Donor then Item or Item then Donor.


Default Locations Code: Default location code for user.


Default CMobile Route Code: In this field select a CMobile Route Code that defaults for this user.


Override Truck Orders: Select this field to allow user to override CMobile truck orders.


Override Item Recall Status: Place a check mark in this field to designate that this user is authorized to override the Item recall status. This field is part of the GTIN functionality.


Change Donor on Posted Orders: Place a check mark in this field to designate that this user is authorized to change the Donor No field on posted Donation Orders. This is a very powerful feature and should be used only after reviewing the related Procedure document carefully. 


Allow Advanced Kitting: Place check mark in this field to designate that this user is authorized to utilize the Advanced Kitting functionality in the BOM Journal within Ceres. This is a very powerful feature and should be used only after reviewing the related Procedure document carefully.


Allow Credit/Recreate Order: Place a check mark in this field to designate that this user is authorized to utilize the “Credit Order and Recreate” function on a Posted Agency Invoice. Please refer to the Procedure for this function for more information. 


Temp Path: Input a Temp Path where Ceres will export the Blue Receipt Export file and the QPR Reports Exports. See Feeding America Reporting Procedure and webinar for more information. 


E-mail: Enter the users email address. Several processes within Ceres including approvals and budget enforcement will utilize this email address for alerts.


Phone No.: Enter the user’s phone number.


  1. To modify an existing user, select Edit List.


Warehouse Employees


All users who will be processing inventory-related transactions need to be set up as a Warehouse Employee for the location(s) they need access to. This includes accessing Agencies, Donors, Vendors and their transactions. In the Warehouse Employee setup, you can assign a user to a single, multiple, or all locations. If a user is not set up as a Warehouse Employee for a given location, they will not be able to access or view the transactions for that location.


  1. Warehouse Employees can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “Warehouse Employees” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “Warehouse Employees” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “Warehouse Employees” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.



  1. To set up a new user, select New.


  1. In the User ID field, select the user’s login.


  1. In the Location Code, enter the location(s) the user needs access to.


  1. Check the Default box if this is the user’s main location to perform work. Each user must have a default location.



  1. To modify the setup for an existing Warehouse Employee, select edit List.


ADCS Users

Create the ADCS Users


ADCS is an acronym for Automated Data Capture System; commonly implemented in food banks as warehouse barcoding. Windows Logins are not accessible from the ADCS scanner or terminal. Please contact your system administrator, the Service Desk (if hosted) or your Ceres VAR if you need to have user credentials added as a database user to support ADCS. To begin using the ADCS functionality, you must set up the ADCS User as a Warehouse Employee.


  1. ADCS Users can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “ADCS Users” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “ADCS Users” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “ADCS Users” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.



  1. To set up a new user, select New.


  1. Enter the ADCS login name in the Name Field and then enter the password for that login.





  1. For the correct warehouse worker, enter the location where the user may perform ADCS interaction.


  1. Check the Default box if this is the user’s main location to perform work. Each user must have a default location.



  1. Select ADCS Password from the menu.



  1. In the Password field, enter the password for use with the ADCS terminal.


Note: The ADCS password is different from the Ceres login password. In other words, you could make your users log into the Ceres database with one password, and log into the ADCS terminal with a separate password.


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