Grants Overview (v6.0)

Modified on Wed, 22 Nov, 2023 at 7:20 AM




Grants Overview



Purpose of this document


This document will discuss how to create grants, receive grant funds, and set up grant qualifiers. Using grants to offset purchase orders and agency orders are discussed in other documents.

Grants may be used to cover purchased food expenses or to alleviate charges incurred by an agency for shared maintenance fees or other fees associated with an agency order. Grants may be related to Funds or other Dimensions in Ceres to track any restricted donations to the food bank.


Ceres Object release 6.00.00 is required for the functionality described in this document.








General Setup


The usage of grants in Ceres requires the creation of Grant Number Series, Grant Posting Groups, FBC Grant Sources, and Master Qualifiers for Grants, Grants, Grant Method Steps and more.


Grant Setup


  1. Grant Setup can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “Grant Setup” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “Grant Setup” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “Grant Setup” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.



  1. From the Grant Setup Page, update the fields, as necessary.



Grant Nos.: Select the appropriate Numbering Series to assign (this requires that you have already set up your numbering series for Grants).


Find Grants By: Select which option you would like the Grant rules to apply to. The options are Agency or Effective Date.


Revenue G/L Account Range: Select the range of G/L accounts that will comprise the revenues associated with grants for revenue calculations.


Expenditure G/L Account Range: Select the range of G/L accounts that will comprise the expenditures associated with grants for expenditure calculations.


Grant Dimension Code: Specify the dimension code that indicates the dimension your company uses to classify grants. This code will be used when creating individual grants to determine the proper dimension code used for grants. Each individual grant can then be associated with a grant value code associated with this Grant Dimension Code.


Include Future Dates in Grant Statistics: Toggle this box on to include future agency orders not processed with grant allocations in the computation of grant balances. It is recommended that this option is selected.



Grant Posting Groups


  1. Grant Posting Groups can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “Grant Posting Groups” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “Grant Posting Groups” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “Grant Posting Groups” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.



  1. Enter as many Grant Posting Group Codes as you need to separate which G/L Account transactions will post to for certain grant types.



  1. Assign a Grants Receiving, Grants Usage and Grants Allocated not Paid account to each Grant Posting Group.


Grants Receiving:  Enter the G/L account number you want to post to in the General Ledger when you receive grant funds. Often a balance sheet account but defer to your auditors for how they would like this to be booked.


Grants Usage: Enter the G/L account number you want to post to in the General Ledger when you use/apply a grant (use on a purchase order or apply on an agency order). This is also often a balance sheet account.


Grants Allocated Not Paid: This is a holding account for unpaid purchase invoices with grant usage applied. Specify the account number you want to post to in the general ledger to track this information. This can be the same account as the Grants Usage Account.



FBC Grant Sources


  1. FBC Grant Sources can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “FBC Grant Sources” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “FBC Grant Sources” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “FBC Grant Sources” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.



  1. Enter as many Grant Source Codes as needed to identify the types of Grants you will be using. Grant Sources are the types of funding received.



  1. You may assign Qualifiers to Grant Sources, so that you do not have to assign Qualifiers directly to the Grant (unless you wish to assign additional qualifiers). Before assigning qualifiers, it is imperative that you understand qualifier restrictions and how they will apply.



Qualifier Setup


  1. Qualifier Setup can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “Qualifier Setup” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “Qualifier Setup” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “Qualifier Setup” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.



  1. There are several types of Qualifiers, but for the purpose of this document, we will only discuss Qualifiers where Grant is checked. Qualifiers only affect agency grants. They never affect purchase grants.



  1. In the above screenshot of Qualifier Setup, there are six Qualifiers that apply to grants. These are just examples of naming conventions. The food bank may use whatever codes make the most sense for its needs. Combination of qualifiers and grants are.


Grant / Agency: For the grant to apply on an agency order, both the grant and the agency must have the same qualifier assigned. Items on the order will qualify for the grant funds if the agency has the same qualifier as the grant.


Grant / Agency / County: For the grant to apply on an agency order, both the grant and the agency must have the same county qualifier assigned. Items on the order will qualify for the grant funds if the agency has the same county qualifier as the grant.


Item / Grant: For the grant to apply on an agency order, the qualifier must be on both the Item and the grant. Items with this qualifier will be funded by the grant if there are funds available on the grant.


Item / Grant / Agency: For the grant to apply, the qualifier must be on the item, grant and the agency. Items with this qualifier that are on agency orders that also have this qualifier will qualify for the grant funds.


Item / Grant / Agency / County: For the grant to apply on an agency order, the grant, agency, and Item all must have the same county qualifier assigned.


  1. Any qualifier that includes a checkmark for grant can be assigned to the FBC Grant Source, which is then assigned to a grant. This eliminates the need for having to assign the qualifier to multiple grants. Both the item and the grant must have the Grant Source qualifier assigned. On the grant, this is via the FBC Grant Source Code assigned. Items with this qualifier will automatically have the grant applied until the funding is depleted.



Setup of Grants




  1. Grants can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “Grants” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “Grants” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “Grants” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.



  1. A list of grants that have already been set up will be displayed.



  1. To create a new grant, select New.


  1. From the Grant Card, update the fields on the General FastTab, as necessary. Information about the Grant is defined on the General FastTab.



No.: If the grant numbering series is set up for auto creation, then simply hit enter to get a new grant number. If it is set up for manual numbering, then input a grant number.


Description: Enter a Description for the grant that best describes what the grant is used for.


FBC Source Code: Assign an FBC Grant Source Code to the grant. This requires that FBC Grant Sources have already been set up. If qualifiers are assigned to the FBC Grant Source selected, they will apply to the grant.


Name/Address/Phone No/Fax No. fields: Enter the name of the grantor along with address and contact information.


Effective Date: Enter the effective date of the grant. Please note any cash receipts entered for this grant with a posting date after the effective date will not be included in the Grant Original Amount. See the Grant Status Report section below for what happens if any cash receipt has a posting date after the effective date.


Expiration Date: Enter the expiration date for the grant, if one has been set, otherwise leave it blank.


Released: When the grant is ready to be released, toggle on this field. You cannot receive funds to the grant unless the grant is released. You can return to the Grant Card after receiving funds and toggle off this field until you are ready to use this grant.


Priority: Enter a Priority for the grant if there is more than one grant that could apply on an agency order. Grant priority does not apply to purchase orders. 0 (zero) is the highest priority, then 1, then 2, etc.


Apply To: Select the Apply To type. The Options are:


Agencies - Selecting this option means this grant should apply to agency orders. If grant usage is determined by funds available per Agency, this type must be selected.


Purchases - Selecting this option means this grant should apply to purchase orders/invoices (as selected at document creation).


Agencies/Purchases - Selecting this option means this grant may apply to both purchase orders and agency orders. This option must not be selected if grant usage is determined by funds available per agency. See the section called Grant Calculation Method Steps and Brackets for setup.


Applies to Delivery Charges: Toggle this field on if this grant applies to delivery charges.


  1. Move to the Address & Contact FastTab and update the fields, as necessary. If Phone No. and Fax No. were entered on the General FastTab, they will flow here. Add Contact Email and Home Page if applicable.



Address/Phone No/Fax No. fields: Enter the name of the grantor along with address and contact information. IF the address was entered on the General FastTab the information will flow to the same fields on the Address & Contact FastTab.


Phone No.: Enter the phone number of the grantor.


Fax No: Enter the fax number of the grantor.


E-Mail: Enter the email address of the grantor.


Home Page: Enter the Home Page of the grantor.


  1. Move to the Posting FastTab and update the fields, as necessary. Enter/select Dimensions applicable to this Grant that should default on any transaction associated with this grant, such as Department, Branch, Project, etc. Also select the Grant Posting Group, specify the Fund and Fund Value posting and Grant Dimension. Refer to the GL Self-Balancing Overview Procedure Document for more information as to how the Self-balance Grant field is utilized.



Department Code: Use this field to assign the default Global Dimension 1 Code per your dimension setup. In the example, Global Dimension 1 has been defined as a Department.


Project Code: Use this field to assign the default Global Dimension 2 Code per your dimension setup. In this example, Global Dimension 2 has not been defined as a Project.


Fund No.: Use this field to assign the default fund code for this grant. Transaction posting with a fund number for this grant will be controlled by the setting of Fund Value Posting field defined here.


Fund Value Posting: Use this field to define the rules for transactions posted to this grant when a fund number is specified. The options are.


{Blank} - No validation check is made on the fund number specified for transactions posted to this grant.


Code Mandatory – Transactions posted to this grant are required to have a fund code specified to allow posting.


Same Code – Transactions posted to this grant are required to have the same fund number value as specified on the grant in the Fund No. field.


No Code – Transactions posted to this grant are not allowed to have a fund specified and the fund number field must be empty to allow posting.


Budget Name: Use this field to specify the budget associated with this grant. This field will be used in conjunction with the Revenue G/L Account Range and Expenditure G/L Account Range specified on the Grant Setup Page to calculate the revenues, expenditures and budgeted amounts for the grant.


Grant Dimension Code Value: Use this field to specify a valid grant dimension value for the grant. This code will be validated against the dimension values for the Grant Dimension Code specified on the Grant Setup Page. Specifying the value here will assign the value as the default dimension code for this grant and a corresponding default dimension code will be automatically setup for you with a dimension posting rule of Same Code.


Grant Posting Group: Use this field to specify the grant posting group to be used for this grant. The general ledger accounts associated with the posting group will determine which GL accounts are posted to when transactions are posted to the grant.


Gen. Bus. Posting: Use this field to specify the general business posting group to be used for this grant. The general ledger accounts associated with the posting group will determine which g/l accounts are posted to when transactions are posted to the grant.


Closed: Toggle this field on to indicate that the grant is closed to any future postings.


Expenditures to Date: System maintained field that displays the expenditures to date for this grant. This field updates automatically when transactions are posted.


Remaining to Expend: System maintained field that displays the remaining grant fund to expend. This field updates automatically when transactions are posted.


  1. Move to the Additional Info FastTab and update the field, as necessary.



HPNAP Grant Type: Use this field to define the type of grant for HPNAP purposes. The options are.

{Blank} Leave blank if this is not a HPNAP grant.


Donated –Select this option if this grant will be used for donated items.


Purchase – Select this option if this grant will be used for purchases.


Both – Selection this option if this grant applies to both donated items and purchases.


Restricted Purpose – This is a free form text field where you can enter information related to the restrictions of the grant as set forth by the grantor.


Start Date: Specify the starting date of the grant.


End Date: Specify the ending date of the grant.


Spend by Date: Specify the date all funds for this grant must be used by.


Funding/Award Date: Specify the date the grant monies were funded or awarded.


Amount Funded: Specify the amount funded or awarded for this grant.


  1. Grant Statistics displays information about the grant. To access Grant Statistics, click on Related à Grant à Statistics. Statistics are also displayed in the Grant Statistics Factbox.





Grant Calculation Method Steps and Brackets


Some grants may require special calculations, such as funds available by agency to cover handling fees only, or to cover a percentage of the amount due on an agency order line. To facilitate these types of calculations, you may set up Grant Calc. Method Steps and/or Brackets.


Calc. Method Steps

  1. One option to restrict the funds available to certain agencies is to use the Grant Calc. Method Steps. This is done when a grant is provided but specified to only apply to certain agencies and for certain amounts per agency.


  1. From the Grant Card, select Grant à Calc Method.



  1. The Grant Calc. Method window will open. To add a new Grant Calc. Method, enter the Effective Date and a Description:



  1. Select Home Calc. Method Steps to open the Page.



  1. Enter as many Grant Calc. Method Steps as needed to restrict the Grant Funds for your needs. These are found by drilling down in the Grant Method Step Code field.



  1. Example of common Calc. Method Steps are those restricting funds to the remaining amount available for a specific agency.



  1. Select the back button after entering the steps to save your selections.




  1. Another option to restrict funds for a grant is to assign a Brackets (amount or percentage). This allows for a specific amount or a percentage of a line total to be applied to a grant.


  1. From the Grant Card, select Grant à Brackets.



  1. Enter or select a Bracket Code from the drop-down options. If no Bracket Codes exist, you may need to set them up.


  1. To set up new Bracket Codes, click on New from the drop-down list.



  1. In the Code field, enter the name of your new Bracket Code. In the Type field, enter the Type of Bracket (Percent or Amount) Code, then click OK.



  1. To add your newly created (or an existing) Bracket Code to the grant, from the Grant Bracket window, New (+).



  1. Then select your Bracket Code and Enter the Amount (if the Type = Percent, then this will be a percentage; if the Type = Amount, then this will be an amount).



Note: Once calculations and/or brackets have been assigned, the grant will reflect that these are in place.




Copy Grant Method Lines


Copy Grant Method Lines is a function that allows you to copy existing Grant Method Step lines and set a new Effective Date at run-time.


Note: This function can only be run from a grant with existing Grant Calculation Method Steps and Effective Dates.


  1. To run this function from the Grant Card, select Grant à Calc Method.



  1. From the Grant Calc Method window, select the line you wish to copy and select Copy.



  1. Enter the New Effective Date for your Grant Method Lines and click OK.



  1. A new line will be inserted with a new Effective Date for those steps. You can then modify the steps, if they are to be different from your current steps, by highlighting the new line and then selecting Calc. Method Steps from the menu.



  1. From the Grant Calc. Method Steps Page, make your changes to the steps for this grant.





Assignment of Grant Qualifiers to the Grant


For the grant to apply to the appropriate document types, you must assign qualifiers to the grant. Qualifiers must have been created in the previous Qualifiers section, and you must indicate on the qualifier that it applies to grants.


  1. To assign a qualifier from the Grant Card, select Grant à Qualifiers.



  1. Use the drop-down in the Qualifier Code field to select the appropriate Grant Qualifier. Only those qualifiers where the Grant column was checked will display.



  1. Select the Qualifier that applies to this Grant and click OK. Refer to the Setup Qualifiers section above for more information about the types of Qualifiers that can be applied to a grant.



Assignment of Categories to the Grant


  1. To assign categories from the Grant Card, select Related à Grant à Categories.



  1. In the grant categories, you can assign one or more categories to the grant. Each category must have a unique name. You may specify the description for the grant category and the G/L Account Range for the grant. Currently, this information is strictly informational.





Assignment of Reporting to the Grant


  1. To assign reporting from the Grant Card, click on the Navigate à  Grant à  Reporting.



  1. On the reporting page you may specify the grant reporting requirements. The available fields on the grant reporting page are the Type, Description, Due Date, Due Extension Date, Report Filed Date and Notes. This information is used when creating the reporting email.



  1. To e-mail the report, click on the Actions à  Functions à  E-Mail Recipient.



  1. This will create the base email message taking information from the Grant Reporting Page using this information as the message body. Completion of the email regarding who it will be sent to, and any other information is up to the end-user.




Applying payments to a Grant for specific Agency Amounts


In addition to setting up Grant Calculation Method Steps, for grant funds to be dispersed based upon the total available funds per agency, the funds must be received in by agency. This section describes how to receive funds for the Grant and apply to specific agencies. It will also describe how to fund the grant if a purchase grant or an agency grant that is not restricted by amounts per agency.


Note: To receive funds for the grant, the grant must be marked as released.


  1. Enter the receipt in a Grant Journal. The Grant Journal can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “Grant Journal” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “Grant Journal” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “Grant Journal” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.



  1. Select the Batch Name (if applicable) for your receipt.


  1. Enter a Posting Date.


  1. Enter the Document Type of Payment.


  1. Enter the Document No. This could be the check number or wire transfer number, etc.


  1. Select the Account Type of Bank Account and enter/select the Bank Account No. This is the bank account where the funds will be deposited. The G/L account tied to this bank account will be debited.


  1. The Description will be auto-fill with the Bank Account Name. You may override this to describe your deposit.


  1. Enter the Debit amount in either the Amount column or in the Debit Amount column (if showing).


  1. Select the Bal. Account Type of Grant and then use the lookup to select the grant number to which the funds should be applied. When applying to specific agencies, enter the agency amount on each line as shown below.



If entered this way, you do not have to enter a separate line for the Bank Account. If applying the funds to a specific agency, enter/select the Grant Agency No. on the line.


If the funds are not specific to an agency, then you may enter the credit to the grant on one line and the debit to the bank account on a separate line, or you may enter them both on one line where one is the balancing account for the other. Make sure that the Total Balance at the bottom of the Grant Journal is $0.00 before posting.


  1. Click on Post or Post & Print to post the journal.


  1. Once the journal has been posted, the funds should show as the Grant Balance and Original Amount, if the posting date on your journal was On or Before the Effective Date of the Grant.



  1. To view the grant entries from your journal posting, select Related à Grant à  Grant Ledger Entries. You can also drill down the Grant Balance field to view the entries.



  1. To view the general ledger entries from your journal posting, go to G/L Registers. Find the entries that were posted and then select Process à  General Ledger. The bank account entries can be viewed from this same Page by selecting Bank Account Ledger.






Grant Usage on Purchase Documents and Agency Orders


The application/usage of grants on purchase documents and agency documents is described in the Purchase Orders and Invoices with Grants, and Agency Orders with Grants Procedure Documents.



Grant Reporting


Grant Reports help you determine how funds have been assigned and used for specified grants. The three reports can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “Grant” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting the desired grant report from the results in the Go to Reports and Analysis section OR by selecting the report menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.




Grant Usage Report


The Grant Usage Report displays (when applicable) the Grant No., Grant Description, Effective Date, Expiration Date, Credit Amount, Debit Amount, Allocated Not Paid Amount, Amount on Purchases, Agency Orders Amount and Remaining Amount based upon the filters used at run time.


  1. Enter the filters depending on how you want to view the report. In the below example, the report is filtered for specific grants.



  1. Click Print (or Print Preview) and the results will be displayed.



  1. If a Grant No. filter is used, then results for all Grants will be displayed:



  1. You may filter this report further per your needs.



Grant Summary Report


The Grant Summary Report displays the Grant No., Grant Description, Expiration Date, Initial Grant Amount, Total Grant Amount, Used to Date Amount, Amount on Orders and Available Grant balance based upon filters entered at run-time.


  1. Enter the filters depending on how you want to view the report.



  1. Check Print or Preview to review your results.



  1. If a Grant No. filter is used, then all grants will be displayed based upon other filters entered at run-time.





Grant Status Report


The Grant Status Report displays (when applicable) the Agency No., Grant No., Grant Description, Grant Expiration Date, Initial Grant Amount, Total Adjustments, Total Grant Amount, Used to Date Amount, Amount on Orders and Available Grant Balance based upon filters entered at run-time. This report allows you to filter by a specific agency if desired, so that you can see all the grants that the agency is qualified for and how much balance they have remaining).


  1. Enter the filters depending on how you want to view the report.



  1. In the below example, all grants for agency B0129 for the date range of 01/01/10 through 08/21/14 display.




Note: The value in the Initial Grant column is determined by the effective date on the grant and the posting dates of the payments funding the grant for that agency. Receipts posted before or on the effective date of the grant will appear in the Initial Grant column. Any receipts posted after the effective date of the grant will appear in the Total Adjustments column.



Agency Order and Agency Invoice Reports


Different reports can be linked to setup to print grant details or grant summaries on the Agency Order and Agency Invoice Reports, such as Report 14102574 – Agency Invoice Grant/VAP.


  1. Report Selection – Distributions can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “Report Selection – Distributions” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “Report Selection – Distributions” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “Report Selection – Distributions” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.



  1. To link an Agency Order Report, select Order in the Usage field from the Report Selection – Distributions Page. Move down to the lines and input 14012273 (Agency Order) in the Report Id field. Select the back button.



  1. When you print this report, it will include the grant amounts on the order. To include the food bank address and the Grant Detail, toggle on the options on the Options FastTab.



  1. To link an Agency Invoice Report, select Invoice in the Usage field from the Report Selection – Distributions Page. Move down to the lines and input 14012533 (Agency Invoice w/Grant Det.) or 14012574 (Agency Invoice Grant/VAP Det. in the Report Id field). Then select the back button.




Standard Grant Journals


In many cases the allocation of grant monies to agencies is the same for additional grants. The standard grant journals allow for the creation and storing of the standard grant journals to streamline the entry of future grant journals.


  1. Enter the receipt in a Grant Journal. The Grant Journal can be accessed by selecting “Search” from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Banner and entering “Grant Journal” in “Tell me what you want to do” then selecting “Grant Journal” from the results in the Go to Pages and Tasks section OR by selecting the “Grant Journal” menu action (if present) from your Role Center home page.



  1. On the Home Tab of the Grant Journal Page, there are Save as Standard Journal, and Get Standard Journal options. Complete the grant journal as needed. Prior to posting the grant journal click on Save as Standard Journal to save a copy of the grant journal just entered.



  1. The Save as Standard Gen. Journal Page will open and prompt you for a Code, Description and whether the amounts are to be saved as well. If you wish to retain the amounts as well, toggle on the Save Amount field, otherwise only the journal structure will be saved, and the amounts saved will be zero.



  1. Once you have saved your standard grant journals, they can be used any time in the future by recalling them into the grant journal via the Get Standard Journal function. Begin with a clear grant journal page and select Get Standard Journal.


  1. Ceres will open the Get Standard Journal Page where you may select the desired journal and click OK.



  1. Ceres will populate the journal with the records from the saved journal and a message box will be displayed indicating the successful insertion of the journal from the saved journal.



  1. Click OK and the grant journal will show the records retrieved.



  1. You may then make any necessary changes and post the journal as any other grant journal. If you make changes and wish to save the changes, you must use the Save as Standard Journal function again.

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