Food Drive Donation Order Overview (v5.0)

Modified on Wed, 20 Sep, 2023 at 9:27 AM



Purpose of this document


This document outlines the food drive enhancement functionality that was added to base Ceres to better support tracking of donors and product that is received from a food drive. 


Ceres Object release 5.00.00 is required for the functionality described in this document. 



Table of Contents




The food drive order functionality is comprised of


    1. Data Capture

  1. Separation of food drive donors from regular donors
  2. Separation of food drive donation orders from regular donation orders
  3. Additional fields on the donor cards and donation orders for tracking and reporting purposes


    2. Routing


    3. Reporting

  1. Food Drive Materials Summary
  2. Food Drive Scheduling
  3. Food Drive Stops Reports

Creating Food Drive Donors


Food drive donors can be setup separately from donors. This allows food drive activity to be accessed from one menu and non-food drive activity from another.

1. The Food Drive Donor Card can be accessed from Departments à Donation à Planning à Lists à Food

    Drive Donors.  A list of food drive donors that exist within Ceres will display.  The List provides a quick

    glance of the food drive donor information including the default location.




2. The Food Drive Donor field on the Donor/Food Drive Donor Card, designates whether a record is a food

    drive donor.  Once this field is toggled it acts as a filter to exclude or the food drive donors from the Donor

    Lists.  In other words, only records that are marked as Food Drive Donor will display in the Food Drive Lists

    and vice versa.  In the below example, FD was included as part of the Donor No. to easily identify a food

    drive donor from a regular donor.

3. Click Home  à New to create a new food drive donor.  Food drive donors may be edited by highlighting a

    donor in the List, then selecting Home à Manage à Edit.

4. Refer to the Donor Overview Procedure Document for additional information on how to setup a donor.

Creating Food Drive Donation Orders


1. The  food drive donation order can be accessed from Departments à Donation à Order Processing à

    Food Drive Donation Orders.



2. If you are using batches, select your batch from the batch list; otherwise click Cancel.





3. A list of open food drive donation orders that exist within Ceres will display.  Select one from the list to edit

    or create a new order.   




Food Drive Donation Order Header


1. To create a new donation order, select New à Home.





2. Press the Enter key to have Ceres automatically assign the next document number in the No. field.   This will

    also fill in the Posting Date, Order Date, and Document Date by using the Work Date.  If different document

    numbering was setup for food drive orders, click on the ellipsis button to the right of the No. field and then

    select a No. Series Code.



3. In the Donor No. field on the General FastTab, enter the food drive donor number or use the lookup to

    select the food drive donor from the List.  The food drive donor’s name, address, contact, and fund will flow

    from the Food Drive Donor Card. 



Note:  Only donors that are not marked as a food drive donor will display in the Donor List from a donation order, and only donors that are marked as a food drive donor will display in the Donor List from a food drive donation order.


4. If you are using Dimension, do a lookup in the Department Code field and select a department, or if this

    donation is part of a project, lookup in the Project Code and select a project.


5. Do a lookup in the FBC fields.  FBC Product Source and FBC Product Category are mandatory fields which

    provide information to the Quarterly Poundage Report.  The UNC Product Source field will update based on

    the FBC Product Source selected.  FBC Reason for Donation is optional.


6. To associate the order with a  food drive, do a lookup in the Food Drive No. field and select a food drive.


7. Update other fields as needed.


8. Move to Shipping FastTab and update fields as needed.




Special Instructions:  This is a free form text field can be used to enter special instructions about this order.

Location Code:  Enter the Location where the product will be received.  The Location Code entered here will flow to the food drive donation order lines.

Order Handling Group Code:   This field will default from the donor and can be overridden if required. This field typically identifies how the order will be handled.

Order Routing Group Code:  This field will default from the donor and can be overridden if required. This field typically identifies how the order will be routed.


9. Move to the Food Drive FastTab and update the fields as needed.  The information on various fields is used

    in the food drive reports.


No of Participants:  Enter the number of participants that are associated with this order. This is information only field in that is does not print on any reports.

Funds Collected:  Enter the $ collected from the food drive.   This is an information field only in that amounts entered here are not associated with a Deposit or the Cash Receipt Journal.

Barrels, Boxes, Posters, Pallets, and Totes Delivered:  In each of these fields entered the total quantity that was delivered to the food drive site.  Values entered in these fields print on the Food Drive Materials Summary and the Food Drive Scheduling report.  

Driver Needed:  Check this field if a driver is needed for this food drive.  This field prints on the Food Drive Materials Summary and the Food Drive Scheduling report.   

Expected Receipt Date:  Enter the date when you expect to pick up/receive the food drive product.  This date prints Food Drive Materials Summary and the Donation Stops report.


Delivery Information:  This a text field where delivery information about this food drive order can be entered.  Information entered in this field prints on the Food Drive Materials Summary.


Food Drive Drop Date:  Enter the date you plan on dropping off the food drive supplies. 


Pickup Date and Pickup Time:  Enter the date and time you plan on picking up the food drive product. 


Barrels, Boxes, Pallets, and Totes Picked Up:   In each of these fields, enter the total quantity of barrels, boxes, pallets, and totes that were picked up from the food drive site. These fields print on the Food Drive Materials Summary Export FD Scheduling to Excel report.


Vehicle:   From the drop down list, select the vehicle that is needed to deliver or pickup food drive product or supplies.  This field prints on the Food Drive Material Summary and the Food Drive Materials Summary Export FD Scheduling to Excel report.


Swap:   Check the Swap box to indicate that pallets, boxes, etc. will be swapped when materials are dropped off or when product is picked up. This field prints on the Food Drive Materials Summary. 


Overflow and Overflow Quantity:  Check the Overflow box to indicate that extra pallets, boxes, etc. are needed to handle the overflow.   In the Overflow Quantity field, input the quantity.   These fields print on the Food Drive Materials Summary.


10. If you are using Appian to route your order, update the fields on the Appian FastTab as needed.




Food Drive Donation Order Lines (Subform)


1. Move to the lines of the donation order.  Here you specify which items are being donated.


2. In the Type field, select item.


3. In the No. field, type in the item number or use the lookup to select the item from the list.  The item’s

    description, unit of measure, and gross weight will flow forward to the line.



4. In the Location Code field, select the location where the Item will be received.

5. If the location you specified is set up to require bins, select a bin on the Bin Code field.


6. The quantity is in reference to the Unit of Measure Code.  If Lot Nos. has been specified on the Item Card, a

    Lot No. will be generated at this time.  If the item is donated on more than one lot, you will need to create

    an additional line.


7. If applicable, fill in the Lot Expiration Date, Lot Consume By Date, and Ship by Date fields.

Note:  These fields may have already been pre-generated by the calculation formulas set on the Item Card.  In this case, you may review and adjust these dates on the order as necessary.


8. Select the dimension values that apply to the item for this order.   If you inputted a Department Code and

    Project Code on the General FastTab, the value will flow to the line.


9. Repeat the steps above for each additional item that will be received.

Releasing the Document


1. When the data entry is complete, the order can be released by selecting Actions à Release.  This locks the

    order from users being able to enter more items or change quantities. The order can be reopened by

    selecting Actions à Release à Reopen.



2. Reopen and release the order as many times as needed to update the order.  



Food drive donation orders can be received through the food drive donation order, or via warehouse processes.  In this example, we will receive from the food drive donation order.   If you would like to receive via Receipts and Put-Aways, please refer to the Warehouse Put-Away Overview Procedure Document.


1. When the items you ordered arrive, return to Departments à Donation à Order Processing à Food

    Drive Donation Orders.

2. Select the food rive donation order from the List you want and select Home à Manage à Edit.


3. Enter today’s date in the Posting Date field.

4. On the Assigned User ID field, use the lookup to select the user in charge of receiving the products.


5. Move to the lines of the donation order.

6. Update the Qty. to Receive field with the actual quantity that is being received into inventory.

Note:  If the Qty. to Receive is lower than the Quantity field, you will be completing a partial receipt.  You can return to the Order later to post more receiving.  In the example below, the user will receive a portion of the first item now and the other portion at a later time.


7. Verify the Lot No. field shows the correct lot number.   To assign a different lot, type in a different number.

8. If the items are palletized, fill in the Tier and Height fields.  Tiers are the number of units per level; height is

    the number of levels.  In the example below, we will receive 1 pallet of each item that are 1,00 level high

    and 1 deep.




9. To create pallet, select Home à  Process à Create Pallets.


10. Select one of the following options and then click OK.




11. Ceres will assign pallet numbers to the palletized items and split the lines according to the tiers and height.



12. Once you have verified the data, select  Home à Process à Post, or select Post & Print to print a 

    receiving document. 


13. If you wish to create pallets first and then print pallet tags, click on Create Pallets twice. The first time

    choose Create Pallets. The second time choose Print Labels.  Various pallets tag reports exist that can be

    linked to Report Selections.  Below is an example of Report 14012531 – Pallet Tag 11X8.5 w/ Barcode. 



14. If you need a pallet tag for a lot tracked only Item (not palletized), select Actions à Print à Pallet Tag.


15. To receive the donation order, select Home à  Process à Post.  Select Yes to post the donation order and

        receive the product into inventory.



16. If you have received the donation order in full, the order will be deleted.  Historical data can be obtained

        from the posted food drive donation receipts or from posted food drive donation orders. 

Posted Food Drive Receipts and Posted Food Drive Orders


1. Once the food drive donation order has been posted, you can access the posted food drive receipts or

    posted food drive orders  from Departments à Donation à Archive à Posted Food Drive Receipts or

    Posted Food Drive Orders.




2. Select Posted Food Drive Receipts or Posted Food Drive Order and a list of documents will display.



3. Select the desired document then select Actions à Print à Order.



4. Select the number of copies desired.  This is the number of copies in addition to the original.  

    If Default No. of Copies are setup, inputting an amount below will override the setup.

5. Check the box if you would like to print the Company Address on the document


6. Click the Modify Statement check box to modify the standard statement that will print on all Donation

    Receipts.  The following is the recommended verbiage from Feeding America.  Simply replace The Food Bank

    with the name of your food bank.   This option only applied to posted food drive receipts.



7. You can also email the receipts.   For more information, please see the Agency and Donor Document

    Emailing Procedure Document.





Three food drive reports were created to support the food drive functionality. 


Food Drive Materials Summary

The report outlines the materials that need to be dropped off or picked up for each food drive site.   This report can be accessed from Departments à Donation à Order Processing à Documents.




Export FD Scheduling to Excel


This is an export the Food Drive Materials Summary grouped by Shipment Method Code which lists materials required and to be picked by Donor by Date. The export can be accessed from Departments à Donation à Tasks à Order Processing.  An excerpt of the report is below.




Food Drive Donation Stops


The new report summarizes the number of stops (i.e. donation orders) by date that can be grouped by Location Code. This report can be printed for food drive donation orders or donation orders. This report can be accessed from Departments à Donation à Order Processing àDocuments.


As noted above, the Begin Date and End Date filters are based on the Expected Receipt Date field on the food drive donation order.  Please note that location grouping is based on the Location Code on the Shipping FastTab of the donation order. 



Related Topics

  1. Donor Overview
  2. Donation Order Overview
  3. Food Drive Overview
  4. Appian Overview & Integration
  5. Donor Preferred Pickup Days and Hours


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