Agency Overview (v5.0)

Modified on Mon, 30 Sep, 2024 at 1:16 PM



Agency Overview


Purpose of this document


Agencies are generally entities that receive product from the food bank. There can be one or many Agencies linked to a single Parent Agency. This document describes the parameters available for an Agency and how to set them up in Ceres.


Ceres Object release 5.00.00 is required for the functionality described in this document.



Table of Contents


Accessing Agencies


The Agency Card can be accessed from Departments à Agencies & Receivables à Agency Relations à Agencies. You will see the listing of Agencies that exist within Ceres. This List provides a quick glance of the Agencies, contact information, responsible branch, default location and status.

Click New on the Home Ribbon to create a new Agency. Agencies may be edited by highlighting an Agency in the List, then right clicking and selecting Edit (or by double clicking on the Agency number).



General FastTab


No.: This is the main identifier for the Agency, which can be entered as any combination of text and numbers.  Ceres can be set up to automatically number each Agency Card for you, or you can enter the number manually.

Parent Agency No.: Enter the Parent Agency No. associated with this Agency if applicable. If you enter a Parent Agency, the address fields, location and branch codes will default from the Parent Agency Card to the Agency Card. These fields will still be editable.

Name: Enter the Agency’s name. You can enter a maximum of 50 characters, both numbers and letters. The contents of the Name field are typically printed on invoices and similar documents. You should therefore enter the name as you want it to appear.

Name 2:  This is an extension of the Name field.  This field can be used for names longer than 50 characters.  This field is also 50 characters in length.

Address: Enter the Agency‘s address. The address should be the physical street address of the Agency.  

Additional addresses, phone numbers, and contact information can be setup using the Supplemental Address functionality.   A Supplemental Addresses FactBox displays to the right of the Card.   This FactBox provides a link to any Supplemental Addresses that have been setup for this Agency.  See the Supplemental Address documentation for more information.


Address 2:  An extension of the Agency’s address, such as a suite number or building number.  Up to 50 characters can be added here, using any type of text or numbers.  Enter it as you want it to appear in printed documents.

City: Enter the city where the Agency is located.

State: Enter the state where the Agency is located.

Zip Code:  Here you would enter the Zip Code of the Agency.   


Note: If you fill in the ZIP Code field with a ZIP Code that is linked to a single city in the ZIP Code table, Ceres fills in the City field automatically. If there is more than one city linked to the ZIP Code, Ceres displays a list of the relevant cities for you to choose from. If the ZIP Code is not set up in the ZIP Code table, you must enter the city manually.


If you fill in the City field before the ZIP Code field, and if the city is linked to a single ZIP Code in the ZIP Code table, Ceres fills in the ZIP Code field automatically. If there is more than one ZIP Code linked to the city in the City field, Ceres displays a list of ZIP Codes for you to choose from. If the city is not set up in the ZIP Code table, you must enter the ZIP Code manually.

Country/Region Code: Enter the country or region where the Agency is located.  This field is optional.  If a country is entered it will print on the Agency address.

Balance ($): This field displays, in $, the agency’s current balance. Ceres automatically calculates and updates the contents of the field using the entries in the Amount ($) field in the Agency Ledger Entry table. To see the agency ledger entries that make up the amount shown, click the Assist Button in the field.


Credit Limit ($): Here you can enter the maximum credit (in $) that can be extended to the agency. Ceres uses this field to perform a test when you fill out journals, quotes, orders and invoices. It tests the agency order header and individual agency order lines to see whether the credit limit has been exceeded. You can post even though the credit limit has been exceeded. If the field is left blank, there will be no credit limit for this agency.


Fund No.: This field contains the code the Fund No. that is assigned to the Agency.


Location Code: Enter the default Location Code for the Agency. If an Agency has a Location Code, Ceres will always suggest items from that particular inventory location when you enter Agency Orders.

This will also populate the Location Code on the Shipping Tab (and vice-versa).

Shipment Method Code: Select a code for the default shipment method to be used when you ship to this Agency. This will also populate on the Shipping Tab and vice-versa.

FBC County Code: This field contains the food bank County for this Agency.


FBC Agency Category Code: This field contains the Food Bank Category Code. Each food bank category code is associated with a UNC Category Code.


UNC Activity Status: This field contains the UNC Activity Status Code. The status selected determines whether or not postings can be made to the Agency and whether E-Mail Notifications are needed. Here are some examples of status codes:


ACTIVE – Active Agency of the Food Bank


INACTIVEAG – Inactivated by Agency


INACTIVEFB – Inactivated by Food Bank


SUSPENDED – Agency suspended by the Food Bank


Agency Approval Date:  This field is the date the Agency first received approval to order.


Agency First Order Date:  This field auto-populates when the first order for this agency is posted.


Monitoring Expiration Date:  This field contains the date the current Agency monitoring term expires.


Last Date Modified: This field is maintained by Ceres and displays the date the agency was last modified.

Last Modified By: This field is maintained by Ceres and displays the login identification of the user that last modified the agency.

Blocked: The blocked field is used to designate which transactions are allowed for this Agency. Allowable choices are:

<Blank> - Any transaction is allowed for this agency.


Ship – New agency orders and shipments cannot be created for this agency. Existing shipments not yet invoiced can be invoiced.


Invoice – New agency orders, new shipments and new invoices cannot be created for this agency. Existing shipments not yet invoiced cannot be invoiced.


All – No transaction is allowed for this agency, including payments.

Dormant: Placing a checkmark here will hide the record from the list view.

Address & Contact FastTab


Address Information: The previously entered address information from the General FastTab will also display here.

Primary Contact Code: If Contacts have previously been created for this Agency, you can use the drop-down to select from the available Contacts. If no Contacts have been created, use the NEW option in the Contact List Home Ribbon to create new contacts.

Primary Contact No.: This field contains the primary contact number for the Agency. When you enter a primary contact in this field, the name will be copied to the Contact field on the Contact Card. To see the primary contact numbers in the Contact List window, click the Assist Button in the field.

Contact Name: Enter the name of the person you regularly contact when you do business with this Agency.

Phone No.: Enter the primary phone number for this Agency.  The field is 30 characters in length.  A consistent format when entering the number, such as: (123) 456-7890, is recommended.   

E-Mail: Here you can enter the agency's e-mail address. You can enter a maximum of 80 characters, both numbers and letters. To the right of the field is a button with a picture of an envelope/letter on it. If Ceres is integrated with an e-mail system, you can click this button to open a window in which you can create and send a message. If you have entered an address in the E-mail field, Ceres automatically fills in this address in the To... field of the email.

Fax No.: Here you can enter the agency’s fax telephone number. You can enter a maximum of 30 characters, both numbers and letters. Use a standard format for the fax number so that it will look uniform on printouts. For example: 123-456-7890 or (123) 456-7890.

Home Page: Here you can enter the agency's home page address. You can enter a maximum of 80 characters, both numbers and letters. Ceres is integrated with an Internet connection, you can click the button to the right of the field to access the agency's home page.

Invoice Delivery Email: Fill in recipient email address to send Invoices based on the Document Email Option selection below.

Invoice Delivery Email cc: Fill in recipient email address to cc Invoices based on the Document Email Option selection below.

Statement Delivery Email: Fill in recipient email address to send Statements based on the selection of Send Statements on the Payments FastTab (see below).

Statement Delivery Email cc: Fill in recipient email address to cc Statements based on the selection of Send Statements on the Payments FastTab (see below).

Document Email Option: Select one the options below:

Blank – no Invoice emails will be sent.

On Post only – Invoice emails will be sent if Post is selected when posting the document.

On Post and Print only – Invoice emails will be sent if Post and Print is selected when posting the document.

Batch Posting - Invoice emails will be sent if Post Batch is selected when posting the document.

All Posting - Invoice emails will be sent if either Post or Post and Print or Batch Posting is selected when posting the document.

Manual – with warning on post - Invoice emails will be sent if Actions à Functions à Send Order Confirmation is selected from an Agency Order or if Actions à Functions à Send Invoice is selected from a Posted Agency Invoice.  A warning will display if the Order Confirmation was previously sent (see Order Email Sent on the Shipping FastTab of an Agency Order).

Manual – without warning on post - Invoice emails will be sent if Actions à Functions à Send Order Confirmation is selected from an Agency Order or if Actions à Functions à Send Invoice is selected from a Posted Agency Invoice.  No warning will display, even if the Order Confirmation was previously sent (see Order Email Sent on the Shipping FastTab of an Agency Order).

Email Statements:  If selected the Statement will be emailed instead of being printed.  You must first setup an email address in the Statement Delivery Email field on the Communications FastTab, prior to selecting this field.

Invoicing FastTab


Tax Exemption No.: Enter the Agency’s IRS tax emption number.

Invoice Copies: Here you can enter the number of invoice copies that will always be printed out for this agency. This number refers to copies in addition to the original. Entering a number of 1 here will result to 2 documents printed, the original and one copy.  The default entered here may be overridden by the Default No. of Copies setup.  See the Default No. of Copies document for more information.

Last Invoice Date:  This field will auto-populate when the agency has a posted invoice and will display the most recently posted invoice document date.

General Bus. Posting Group: Here you can specify a general business posting group for the Agency. To see the general business posting groups in the Gen. Business Posting Groups window, click the Assist Button in the field. The Code specifies to which general business posting group this particular Agency belongs. The General Business Posting Groups can be set up to group Agencies by geographical area or type of Agency. 

Agency Posting Group: Here you can select a Code for the Agency Posting Group to which the agency will belong. To see the Agency Posting Group Codes in the Agency Posting Groups window, click the Assist Button in the field. The Agency Posting Group specifies to which accounts in the general ledger Ceres will post for transactions involving this Agency. This posting group specifies accounts for agency receivables, service charges, payment discount amounts, interest, additional fees and invoice rounding amounts. 

Agency Fee Group: This field contains the Agency Fee Group Code. To see the fee group codes in the Agency Fee Group window, click the Assist Button in the field. In the Agency Fee window, you can enter unit fees for an item that are different for different fee groups. If the Agency belongs to a particular fee group, Ceres will use the appropriate fee on quotes, orders and invoices instead of the item's standard fee.

Agency Disc. Group: This field contains the Agency Discount Group Code. To see the Agency Discount Group Codes in the Agency Discount Group table, click the Assist Button in the field. The agency order line discount depends on both the Agency and the Item. The size of the discount is determined by which agency discount group the Agency belongs to and which item discount group the item belongs to.

Allow Line Disc.: If this field contains a check mark, Ceres will calculate a line discount where applicable for Agency.

Send to Parent Billing Address: If this field is checked and if a Supplemental Billing Address is set up for the Parent Agency, the Supplemental Billing Address of the Parent Agency will flow to the Invoicing FastTab of the Agency Order.

Send to Parent Mailing Address: If this field is checked and if a Supplemental Mailing Address is set up for the Parent Agency, the Supplemental Mailing Address of the Parent Agency will flow to the General FastTab of the Agency Order.

Send to Parent Statement Address:   If this field is checked and if a Supplemental Statement Address is set up for the Parent Agency, the Supplemental Statement Address of the Parent Agency will be used when the AR Statements are created.

Payments FastTab


Application Method: Choose how Ceres will apply payments for this Agency. To determine the application method, click the Assist Button in the field and select one of the two options.

Manual - You must manually specify in the Apply Agency Entries window which documents a payment applies to.

Apply to Oldest - Ceres will automatically apply the payment to the oldest of the agency's open entries.

If you do not enter anything here, the application method will be Manual. It is recommended to select Manual so that the food bank retains control over the application of payments to invoices.

Payment Terms Code: Select a Code for the payment terms you will grant the Agency. To see the Payment Terms Codes in the Payment Terms window, click the Assist Button in the field. A payment terms code stands for a formula that calculates the due date, payment discount date and payment discount amount. If you have entered the code on the agency card, Ceres will use the appropriate payment terms when you invoice the agency.

Payment Method Code: Enter a Code for the method that the Agency usually uses to submit payment (bank transfer or check, for example). You can enter a maximum of 10 characters, both numbers and letters. To see the payment methods in the Payment Methods click the Assist Button in the field.

Print Statements:  Filter fields to indicate whether to include this Agency when you print statements.  Statements can still be printed even if this fields in not checked.

Last Statement No.: This field displays the number of the last statement that was printed for this Agency. The number of the next statement will be one higher. You can enter a different number, but you should be aware that this will interrupt the numerical sequence of the agency's statements.

Information FastTab


Agency Group Code: This field is used to restrict product to the Agency during agency order entry. Restrictions can be based on quantity or qualifiers.

Permit Web Orders: This field determines whether the Agency can place orders via Agency Express.

Ceres Questionnaire Grp. Code:   The default Questionnaire Group the Agency is associated with.  The Group Code is linked to a Questionnaire. See Also Agency Questionnaires.

Service Areas: This field describes the area serviced by the Agency. Up to 150 characters can be added here to identity the service area. 

Product Sources: This field describes the Agency’s product sources. Up to 150 characters can be added here to identity the service area. 

Funding Sources: This field describes the Agency’s funding sources. Up to 150 characters can be added here to identity the service area.

Client Records Maintained: This field indicates whether or not the Agency maintains client records.

UNC Food Bank ID No.: This field is the UNC Food Bank ID as assigned by FA.

SDO: This field indicates whether or not the Agency is a satellite distribution organization.

Food Bank Program: This field indicates whether or not the Agency is a food bank program.

FBC Program Type: This field is a flowfield that is populated by the value associated with the FBC Agency Category Code and is not editable on this tab. It is a way to group like FBC Agency Category Codes together for reporting.

FBC Size Code: This field defines the size of the Agency in terms of members.

Mobile Pantry: Check this field if this Agency is a Mobile Pantry.

CMobile Related: Check this field to include this Agency with those Agencies that are displayed on the CMobile handheld devices.

Exclude from Compliance:  Check this field to exclude the Agency from compliance reporting updates. Agencies checked as “Exclude from Compliance” will not be checked for compliance with reporting or past due and their status will remain unchanged by this process. See the UNC Activity Status by Group document for more details.

Geographical Location Code: This field contains the code representing the geographical location the Agency is located in.

Metropolitan Area Code: This field contains the code representing the metropolitan area the Agency is located in.

Federal Congr. Dist. Code:  This field contains the code representing the federal congressional district the Agency is located in.

State Congr. Dist. Code: This field contains the code representing the state congressional district the Agency is located in.

Senate District:  This field contains the senate district the Agency is located in.

City Council District:  This field contains the city council district the Agency is located in.

Ward:  This field contains the Ward that the Agency is located in.

School District:  This field contains the school district the Agency is located in.

Attribute Count: Displays the number of Type: Attributes that have been assigned to the Agency via the Navigate à Agency à Agency Attributes window.

Affiliation Count:  Displays the number of Type: Affiliates that have been assigned to the Agency via the Navigate à Agency à Agency Attributes window.

Tier Count: Displays the number of Type: Tier that have been assigned to the Agency via the Navigate à Agency à Agency Attributes window.

Shipping FastTab


Location Code: Enter the default Location Code for the Agency. If an Agency has a Location Code, Ceres will always suggest items from that particular inventory location when you enter Agency Orders. This field will be populated if entered on the General FastTab.

Zone Code: Enter the default Zone Code for the Agency. If an Agency has a Zone Code, Ceres will always suggest items from that particular inventory location when you enter Agency Orders.

Delivery Zone Code: This field can be used to assign each Agency to a geographic zone for deliveries.

Delivery Info.: Enter any special delivery information / instructions for the Agency.

Shipment Method Code: Select a code for the shipment method to be used when you ship to this Agency.

Order Handling Group Code: Select an Order Handling Group Code that will flow to the Agency Order to enable the grouping and processing of Orders based on pre-defined handling requirements.

Order Routing Group Code: Select an Order Routing Group Code that will flow to the Agency Order to enable the grouping and processing of Orders based on pre-defined routing requirements.

Default Ship-to Code: Enter default ship-to code for this Agency. Agencies can have one or more ship to addresses associated with them.

Preferred Delivery Time – Used when creating appointments as a default choice


Preferred Pickup Time – Used when creating appointments as a default choice.

Staging Area:  Select a Staging Area that will flow to the Agency Order as the Default Staging Area and be used as the Default Staging Area on a Pick if the Create Pick By field on the Location Card is Blank.

501(c)(3) FastTab



Note: The following fields will flow from the Parent Agency Card if Default 501(c)(3) from Parent is checked on the Agencies & Receivables Setup Page and the fields will not be editable on the Agency Card.

501(c)(3) No.: Enter the 501(c)(3) number for this Agency.


501(c)(3) Name: Enter the 501(c)(3) name for this Agency.

501(c)(3) Expiration Date: Enter the date when the Agency’s 501(c)(3) status expires.  

501(c)(3) Contact: Enter person to contact related to the Agency’s 501(c)(3) status.

501(c)(3) Phone No.: Enter the phone number of the associated contact.

501(c)(3) Adv. Ruling End Date: Enter the date when the Agency’s 501(c)(3) Advanced Ruling expires

501(c)(3) Adv. Ruling No.: Enter the 501(c)(3) Advanced Ruling Number

501(c)(3) Shared No.: Enter the 501(c)(3) Shared Number for this Agency.

501(c)(3) Shared: A checkmark in this field indicates that the  501(c)(3) status of the Parent Agency is being shared with this Agency.  If Shared all of the other related 501(c)(3) fields flow from the Parent Agency Card and are non-editable.  

501(c)(3) Date Received: Enter the date the Agency’s 501(c)(3) status was granted.

Church Qualifier Name: Enter the name of the Church this Agency qualified for non-profit status.


Letter of Umbrella: Enter the Letter of Umbrella this Agency is operating under for non-profit status.

Related Topics


Parent Agency Overview
Agency Shipment Method Code
Agency Credit Limits and Credit Management
Agency and Donor Document Emailing
Agency Delivery Zones/Delivery Fees
Agency Pallets

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