Transfer Order Overview (v5)

Modified on Fri, 26 Apr, 2024 at 11:38 AM


Purpose of this document


Transfer Orders are utilized to facilitate transfers between Locations (warehouses). The Transfer Order contains information about the transfer-from and transfer-to Locations and the dates connected to the shipping and receiving of the transfer order.


Ceres Object release 5.00.00 is required for the functionality described in this document.



Table of Contents




A transfer order is like an Agency Order and Donation Order, except that it records a shipment and receipt between two warehouse locations of the food bank operation, instead of between external entities and the food bank. Your selected Ship Option and Receiving Option will control the Transfer Order process, just like it does for the other Order types. The Inventory Workflow Procedure outlines these options and their related processes.

Transfer orders can also be facilitated with the ADCS handheld units, which is described in that procedure document.

Location to Location transfers can also be executed with the Inventory Reclass Journal, if a full transfer order record is not needed.

Accessing Transfer Orders


1. Transfer Orders can be accessed from Departments à Warehouse à Orders & Contacts à Lists à Transfer Orders.

2. You will see a listing of the Transfer Orders that exist within Ceres.


3. Once a Transfer Order is selected, Click Actions à View to view the details of that Transfer Order.


4. To edit the Transfer Order, Click Home à Edit.


5. Click Actions à New or the New Icon to create a new Transfer Order.



6. Fill in the fields on the Transfer Order as needed.



No.: Press the Enter key to have Ceres automatically assign the next document number in the No. field. This will also fill in the Posting Date by using the Work Date.

Note: If the No. field is not present the numbering system for transfer orders is set to default numbers and manual transfer order numbers are not available.

Transfer-from Code: In the Transfer-from Code, enter the Location you are transferring from or use the edit assist to select it from a list of Locations. When you enter or select the Transfer-from Location, Ceres automatically fills in the name and address fields on the Transfer-from FastTab. The Locations that are available are limited to the values in the edit assist list.

Transfer-to Code: In the Transfer-to Code, enter the Location you want to transfer to or use the edit assist to select it from a list of Locations. When you enter or select the Transfer-to Location, Ceres automatically fills in the name and address fields on the Transfer-to FastTab. The Locations that are available are limited to the values in the edit assist list.

In-Transit Code: In the In-Transit Code field, enter the Location that has been specified as an in-transit location or use the edit assist to select the value from a list. The locations listed are limited to those in the edit assist list.

Posting Date: Enter the date of the transfer order. This can be changed between shipment and receiving of the transfer order, allowing the user to process the shipment on one day and posting the subsequent receipt later.

Status: This field reflects the status of the transfer order.

Open - The order is open and you are allowed to make changes to the transfer order, add lines, change quantities, or delete lines.   Certain types of changes are only allowed if the transfer order has not been shipped already. Changes to lines that have been shipped already are not allowed. Orders in a planning stage and not ready for warehouse processing may be left in an open status until such time has the required information has been entered.

Released - Orders are typically released when all the pertinent information has been entered and the order is ready for warehouse processing.

Assigned User ID: In the Assigned to User ID field you can enter, or use the edit assist to select the User ID from a list, the User ID of the employee who is responsible for this transfer order.

Transfer Order Lines


Transfer Order lines is where you specify which items you would like to transfer, along with where to transfer it to, the quantity, and costing information.


Item No.: In the Item No. field enter the Item Number you are transferring from or use the edit assist to select it from a list of Item Numbers.  When you enter or select the Item Number, Ceres automatically fills in Description field.   The Item Numbers that are available are limited to the values in the edit assist list.

Pallet No.: In the Pallet No. field enter the Pallet Number you are transferring from or use the edit assist to select it from a list of Pallet Numbers. When you enter or select the Pallet Number, Ceres automatically fills in the following information from the Pallet record:   Lot No., Transfer-from Bin Code, Quantity, Unit of Measure, Unit Gross Weight, Ext. Gross Weight, and Qty. to Ship. The Pallet Numbers that are available are limited to the values in the edit assist list and are determined by the combination of the header Transfer-From Location Code and the Item No. fields.

Transfer-To Bin Code: In the Transfer-To Bin Code field enter the Bin Code you are transferring the Items to or use the edit assist to select it from a list of Bin Codes. The Bin Codes that are available are limited to the values in the edit assist list and are determined by the header Transfer-To Location Code.

Note: The “Qty. to Receive” may be specified as either zero or equal to the Quantity for the Transfer Line (for palletized Items). In usage, Ceres will allow for the “Qty. to Receive” to be changed from its original (initialized) value to zero and from zero to the same value specified in the Quantity field (for palletized Items). If a user attempts to change the “Qty. to Receive” to any other value other than to two described here (for palletized Items), an error message as shown below will be presented.

Ceres will allow for the specification of a “Qty. to Receive” value when that value is either zero or is equal to or less than the Quantity for the Transfer Line for non-palletized Items.

Note: The “Qty. to Ship” may be specified as either zero or equal to the Quantity on the Transfer Order line (for palletized Items only). If this is not the case, an error message as shown below will be presented.

Ceres will allow for the specification of a “Qty. to Ship” value when that value is either zero or is equal to or less than the Quantity for the Transfer Line for non-palletized Items.


Transfer-from and Transfer-to


The fields are updated as follows:


Name and Address fields: Will fill in automatically based on the input of the Transfer-from Code and the Transfer-to Code fields on the General FastTab.


Roadnet fields: Will fill in automatically based on the Roadnet setup.


Pallet Count:  Manual input based on the number of pallets that will be shipped.


Special Instructions:   Will fill in automatically based on the Roadnet and other setup but can be overridden.




Releasing the Transfer Order


When the entry is complete and the Transfer Order is ready to be processed, click Home à Release. This locks the page from users being able to enter more items or change quantities. The Transfer Order can be reopened by clicking Home à Reopen.


Posting the Transfer Orders


1. The process of posting transfer orders will depend on the setup of the locations involved in the transfer. Locations within an organization may have different shipping & receiving options. For each location you will need to view the setup of the Warehouse FastTab and compare this to the chart to determine the option used for the location. To access the Location Card, select Departments à Warehouse à Administration à Setup à Locations.



2. Right-click on the desired location and click Home à Edit to open the location page.




3. Open the Warehouse FastTab and note the setting for the following four fields.

  1. Require Receive
  2. Require Shipment
  3. Require Put-away
  4. Require Pick


Using the chart below determine the Shipment Option and Receive Option for the location.


Shipment Option

Require Pick

Require Shipment

Receive Option

Require Put-away

Require Receipt

Option 1



Option 1



Option 2



Option 2



Option 3



Option 3




4. Now that you have determined the correct shipment and receive option, locate the correct instructions below for posting transfer orders.


Note: There is no requirement that the shipment and receive options be the same for a particular location, is possible to be using Shipment Option 2 with Receive Option 1 or any combination of the three options. Also note that different locations within the same organization can be setup differently. It’s common to use very basic warehouse options with 3rd party outside storage locations even though more complicated options have been chosen for internal locations.


Note: The advanced warehouse functions shown in this document are the basic steps needed to complete the transfer of orders using these warehouse options (Ship/ Receive Options). More complete documentation is available explaining all the feature and functionality of warehouse shipments, warehouse receipts, inventory picks and inventory put-aways. Please refer to that documentation for a more detailed explanation of those processes.


Posting the Transfer Orders (Shipment – Ship Option 1)


When the Items are ready to be moved from the Transfer-from Location to the In-transit Location, using the Posting function with the Ship option will create a Posted Transfer Shipment.


1. To post with the Ship option, click Home à Post. Select the Ship option and then click OK.



2. After posting, the Item(s) will be transferred to the “In-transit Location”, the Quantity Shipped field on the Transfer Order Line will be updated, and the Qty. To Receive field on the Transfer Order Line will be defaulted to the Quantity Shipped.




Posting the Transfer Orders (Shipment – Ship Option 2)


1. When the Items are ready to be moved from the Transfer-from Location to the In-transit Location, we must create a pick document to post the shipment of the goods. It is from this document that we will post the shipment of the goods to the In-transit location. To create the inventory pick document, choose, Actions à Create Inventory Put-away / Pick.



2. Next, make sure the “Create Invt. Pick” box is checked as shown below and then click OK.


3. Ceres should respond with a message confirming the creation of the pick document like this message. Press the OK button to acknowledge the message and continue.



4. Next, we need to go to the created inventory pick document to complete the transfer of goods to the in transit location. To accomplish this, click Navigate à Invt. Put-away/Pick Lines from the transfer order.



5. To access the Inventory Pick Card, click Home à Card from the Warehouse Activity List.




6. You must now fill in the quantities handled by the warehouse. Normally this would be the full amount of the transfer. You may use the function “Autofill Qty. to Handle” to expedite the process by clicking Home à Autofill Qty. to Handle as shown here.



7. You may now post the inventory pick which will move the goods from the “Transfer-from” location to the “In-Transit” location by clicking Actions à Post from the Inventory Pick Card.



8. Confirm that you want to post the Inventory pick by clicking yes to the confirmation dialog presented:



9. The inventory is now moved into the “In-Transit” location.



Posting the Transfer Orders (Shipment – Ship Option 3)


1. When the Items are ready to be moved from the Transfer-from Location to the In-transit Location, we must create a warehouse shipment document to post the shipment of the goods. It is from this document that we will post the shipment of the goods to the In-transit location. To create the warehouse shipment document, click, Actions à Create Whse. Shipment.



2. Ceres will respond with a message confirming the creation of the warehouse shipment document like this message. Press the OK button to acknowledge the message and continue.



3. Next, the created Warehouse Shipment document will be displayed where you can complete the transfer of goods to the in-transit location.



4. To accomplish this, adjust the quantity to ship on each line if necessary to record the actual quantity shipped, it should default to the quantity on the transfer order. Click Actions à Post Shipment to post the shipment.



5. Next, confirm that you wish to ship the transfer order, by selecting the Ship option and then click OK to process the warehouse shipment.



6. This will complete the transfer of the order to the in-transit location. Ceres will respond with a confirmation dialog box. You can choose OK to acknowledge this message.



Posting the Transfer Order (Receipt – Receive Option 1)


When the Items are ready to be moved from the In-transit Location to the Transfer-to Location, using the Posting function with the Receive option will create a Posted Transfer Receipt from the Transfer Order. Prior to posting you will need to assign a Transfer-to Bin on the lines.


1. To post with the Receive option, click Home à Post and then click OK.



Note: If the Transfer Order has already been posted with the Ship option, the Receive option will be automatically selected.


2. After posting, the Transfer Order will be deleted.


3. Once a Transfer Order has been fully posted, Historical Data can be obtained at:

  1. Warehouse à Archive à Posted Transfer Shipments
  2. Warehouse à Archive à Posted Transfer Receipts


Posting the Transfer Order (Receipt – Receive Option 2)


When the Items are ready to be moved from the In-transit Location to the Transfer-to Location, we must use the inventory put-away document to accomplish this when using Receive Option 2 locations. It is from this document that we will post the receipt of the goods to the “Transfer-to” location. 


1. To create the inventory put-away document, click Actions à Create Inventory Put-away / Pick.



2. Next, make sure the “Create Invt. Put-away” box is checked as shown here in yellow and press OK.



3. Ceres will respond with a message confirming the creation of the put-away document like this message. Press the OK button to acknowledge the message and continue.



4. Next, we need to go to the created inventory put-away document to complete the transfer of goods to the transfer-to location. To accomplish this, click Navigate à Invt. Put-away/Pick Lines from the transfer order.



5. Next we need to access the Inventory Put-away Card. To accomplish this click Home à Card from the Inventory Put-away List.



6. This will display the actual inventory put-away document.



7. You must now fill in the quantities handled by the warehouse. Normally this would be the full amount of the transfer. You may use the function “Autofill Qty. to Handle” to expedite the process by clicking Actions à Functions à Autofill Qty. to Handle as shown here. Select the proper bin that the goods will be stored in for each line.



8. You may now post the inventory put-away which will move the goods from the “In-Transit” location to the “Transfer-to” location by clicking on the post button on the inventory pick:



9. Confirm that you want to post the Inventory put-away by clicking yes to the confirmation dialog presented:



10.  The inventory is now moved into the “Transfer-to” location. If the entire transfer order has been completely shipped and received, it will be automatically deleted and you may see a message indicating this has happened.



Posting the Transfer Order (Receipt – Receive Option 3)


When the Items are ready to be moved from the In-transit Location to the Transfer-to Location, we must use the warehouse receipt document to accomplish this when using Receive Option 3 locations. It is from this document that we will post the receipt of the goods to the “Transfer-to” location.


1. To create the warehouse receipt document, choose, Actions à Create Whse. Receipt.




2. Ceres will respond with a message confirming the creation of the warehouse receipt document like this message. Press the OK button to acknowledge the message and continue.



3. Next, Ceres will open the created Warehouse Receipt document.



4. You must now fill in the quantities handled by the warehouse. Normally this would be the full amount of the transfer. You may use the function “Autofill Qty. to Receive” to expedite the process by clicking Home à Autofill Qty. to Receive as shown here. Select the proper bin that the goods will be stored in for each line.



5. You may now post the warehouse receipt which will move the goods from the “In-Transit” location to the “Transfer-to” location by clicking Home à Post Receipt.



6. Confirm that you want to post the warehouse receipt by clicking yes to the confirmation dialog presented:




7. The inventory is now moved into the “Transfer-to” location. If the entire transfer order has been completely shipped and received, it will be automatically deleted and you may see a message indicating this has happened.



Related Topics

  1. Bin Overview
  2. Inventory Picks
  3. Inventory Workflows
  4. Location Overview
  5. Warehouse Pallets and Lots
  6. Warehouse ADCS Barcode Processing
  7. Zone Overview

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